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The importance of triviality

24.02.2022 | Autor: Robitzky

In performative Sports like Snowboarding and Skateboarding and also in Gymnastics, they have something I call an "in-between trick time". These moments are rather trivial in meaning. Before the next "trick" it perfectly allows getting into deeper concentration for the athlete's next move. It helps the judges to focus on what's coming up. After a trick, the moment can be used for a deeper analysis of what the athlete has done.

It is a fallacy to think we have the same case in Breaking. Here these breaching and rather empty time gaps don't happen. Moments of less content only happen occasionally after a freeze. During a performance, every move needs to be taken into consideration and a freeze is also a move even though it is still.

Surprise moments arise from the brilliance of deliberately playing with the dynamics of for example using a move as a transition or performing a transitory move in a loop just to let it unfold into something else. It is a common technique to pull your audience mentally down to sadness (like Charly Chaplin) or into a bit of boredom, so the happiness and the action will be more anticipated. Therefore, counting the performed moves as tricks is an impossible task in Breaking. There is a narrative, a build up (dramaturgic arch) created by the rhetorical technique of the artist in every performance. It has a beginning, a middle part, and an end. This indicates again, that it is not just about what the dancer is performing, but also how, when, where, and why the artist did what was done.

Getting the full information before deciding is necessary to make a good decision.

It is all about: #Holisticjudging
body (ask for: what and where?),
mind (ask for: who and how?) and
soul (ask for: why and when?).

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