Je bent hier: and8.dance / Simon

BE Simon Dejaegere aka Simon

S4XD aka Simy, Simon Sez
29 leeftijden
momenteel Deerlijk (Belgium)

B-Boying helped Simon overcome a rough period in life, giving him a new reason to appreciate it. Having suffered many set backs, breaking helped him see the positivity in life again. While living in Ghent, Simon first experienced the dance at Gentse Feesten, where he saw the Psycho B-Boys, who had many members that are now involved with Shmetta, perform. Immediately hooked, he began taking classes for a year. His teacher quickly saw his talent and asked him to join his crew, marking the beginning of his journey as a B-Boy. He eventually got involved with the crew Average Joes, who inspired Simon and kept him involved in breaking. Former members Gilles and Yacin are now producers, and Steve is on his way to becoming a great director, but Simon and members Yona & Yolan stayed on with the dance and still do it together today. A well-rounded B-Boy, Simon tries to connect the dance with the music although he feels it’s not as easy as it used to be, because the huge evolution music has made in a short period of time. Simon finds the Belgian scene quite divided, and hopes it can learn to be more cohesive in the future. A small country to begin with, the split of languages between Dutch and French helps little in terms communication and solidarity

Highlights & Achievements

2019 - Winner | Top16 1vs1 Red Bull BC One Cypher Belgium 2019 - 1vs1 B-Boys

2019 - Top 8 | Top32 1vs1 Outbreak Europe 2019
2019 - Top 32 | Top32 1vs1 The Legits Blast Winter 2019

2015 - Top 16 | Top16 1vs1 Red Bull BC One Western European Final 2015

2011 1st place B-Boy ranking Leuven
2011 1st place Young Urban Seven2Smoke
2013 2nd place 3 for King three-on-three battle
2015 Winner Break the Big Battle three-on-three France, Sallanches
2015 Winner Red Bull BC One Belgium Cypher

Attention: this is a past event.
zaterdag, 18. - zondag, 19. september 2021, Belgium
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