Je bent hier: and8.dance / Maja Kereš

HR Maja Kereš

M1XK Dancer, Choreographer, Coach, Model
36 leeftijden
uit Rijeka (Croatia)
momenteel New York City (United States)
actief sinds 1993

Maja is a professional dancer who was born in Rijeka, Croatia and is now living in the US. Her education started early, initially with ballet classes, then continuing with modern jazz, contemporary and urban dance styles. Being a member of the Dance Groupe Flame for 8 years she could gain a lot of experience in performing, teaching and choreographying which then led to different engagements and working opportunities with several top Croatian artists on stage, on tours and in music videos. At the same time she always kept on working on herself by attending classes, workshops and dance camps taught by world-renowned teachers. In 2011 she moved to New York City in order to bring her education to a higher level, there she took part in the International Student Visa Program in the famous Broadway Dance Center. After 8 months, and an Outstanding Student Award, she came back to Rijeka and founded together with her dance partners Kristina Paunovski and Katarina Juric the Dance Center K2K. In 2014 she got her artist visa for the US. Since then she has been working on many projects with Aeropostale, Bloomingdales, Cohen's Fashion Optical and Epura Water commercials, Sephora, GAP and a lot of more. Her daily life consists of auditions and castings, but also taking classes and continuing her education. Next step for Maja is moving to Los Angeles, the heart of the movie and entertainment industry.

My biggest inspiration in dance are my friends who surround me, especially those international dancers like me who worked hard to follow their dreams in the US, no matter how difficult and how big of a sacrifice that was. They are pushing me everyday to follow my dreams even more.

I was influenced the most by my teachers in New York City.

My daily impulse is Create a great day.

This is how my training looks like when I am not taking dance classes, I work on my strength, stability and freestyle, or some new elements or "tricks" I want to improve.

I long for being free of thinking and worrying and just take things as they are.

Things that make my heart beat faster every new project that I get a chance to work on, and also being surrounded and able to witness an amazing talent in a dance class.

I should allow myself more mistakes.

What differs me from others is probably my musicality and emotional connection to the music and movement which fill me while I dance.

The advice I have accepted Do something for your body every day.

The advice I haven't accepted You should find a normal job. :D

I overcome hard times by believing it all happens for a reason, even we are not aware of it in that exact moment.

I believe in my dreams

I'm absolutely against injustice

I'm hooked on happiness

My first thought after waking up I'm hungry.

What touches me deeply seeing animals suffer.

The advice I would give to every dancer for his/her way Don't get comfortable and Know your worth.

The best moment in my life When I realized I am living my dreams with a perfect person by my side.

One day I would like to dance on tour with Justin Timberlake.

Dance is for me like a vehicle that takes you to another world.

The stupidest thing I was asked by a journalist/reporter I can't remember any right now.


since 2013 of K2K

former member

- of Dance Group Flame

Maja Kereš aanwezig bij

+ 26.12.2015 DE Eve Dance Festival 2015

Attention: this is a past event.
zaterdag, 26. - woensdag, 30. december 2015, Germany
DE Eve Dance Festival 2015 - 10-jährige Jubiläumsveranstaltung - Special Edition
Welcome to the 10 years anniversary "special edition" of the great Eve Dance Festival in Burghausen (Germany). This year the event gonna be from 26th to...