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2024 高雄RCBIC霹靂舞國際大賽

Kaohsiung Respect Culture Breaking International Championships

金曜日, 13. - 日曜日, 15. 9月
Event by Timezone: Asia/Taipei
: Event Time = your time
TW Kaohsiung Music Center.Hi-Ing Music Hall
No.1, Zhen'ai Rd., Yancheng Dist. Kaohsiung City (Google Maps)
  • Info


tw Bboy Choco
Tel.: +886922898538


█ 2024 高雄RCBIC霹靂舞國際大賽 █
█ 2024 Kaohsiung Respect Culture Breaking International Championships █



█ 賽事時間|EVENT DATE █
▒ 公開預選.Open Preliminary
└ 2024 - 09 - 14|Sat.|12:00 - 18:30
▒ 主要賽事.Main Event
└ 2024 - 09 - 15|Sun.|14:00 - 18:00

█ 賽事地點|LOCATION █
▒ 高雄流行音樂中心.海音館
└ 高雄市鹽埕區真愛路1號
▒ Kaohsiung Music Center.Hi-Ing Music Hall
└ No.1, Zhen'ai Rd., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

├ 4 on 4 Crew Battle|四人組
├ Bboy Solo Battle|男子組
├ Bgirl Solo Battle|女子組
├ Kids Solo Battle|十五歲以下
└ Open Style 7 To Smoke|全舞風組


█ 賽事評審|JUDGES █
▒ 4 on 4 Crew Battle
├ Born(Korea)
├ Dyzee(Canada)
├ Lil Dragon(Taiwan)
├ Ronnie(USA)

▒ Bboy/Bgirl Solo Battle
├ 3T(Vietnam)
├ Ayumi(Japan)
├ Leonardo(Swissland)
├ Monkey King(Taiwan)
└ Virus(Korea)
▒ Kids Solo Battle
├ Bouba(France)
├ Dyzee(Canada)
└ Lil Dragon(Taiwan)
▒ Open Style 7 To Smoke
├ Born(Korea)
├ Kenzo(Japan)
├ Kila(Taiwan)
├ Maya(Taiwan)
└ Semmy Blank(Indonesia)


▒ Hosts
├ Battle Dog(Taiwan)
└ Handy Lee(Taiwan)
▒ DJs
├ Mar Ski(Japan)
├ Pilizhao(Taiwan)
└ Vientiane(France)
▒ Showcase
├ 加樂傳統藝術武蹈團(Taiwan)
└ 蘋果家族(Taiwan)


▒ 4 on 4 Crew Battle
Body Carnival(Japan)
Jinjo Crew(Korea)
Red Bull BC One All Stars(Worldwide)
Team Kazakstan(Kazakstan)
Team Russia(Russia)
RC Japan Winner
RC Israel Winner-TBA-
RC Korea Winner
RC Malaysia Winner
RC Hong Kong Winner
▒ Bboy Solo Battle
RC Hong Kong Winner
RC Japan Winner
RC Malaysia Winner
▒ Bgirl Solo Battle
▒ Kids Solo Battle
▒ Open Style 7 To Smoke
RC Korea Winner
RC Vietnam Winner
|Main Event|
Akuma Diva(Taiwan)
Crazy Beans(Philippines)
D Soraki(Japan)


█ 觀賽門票 █
├ 第一天.公開預選|限量500張
├ 第二天.主要賽事|限量1000張
├ 兩天賽事每帳號限索取各四張
└ 網路免費索票至9/14(六)00:00截止
▒ 索票方式
1|至 www.accupass.com/go/2024rcbic
3|下載ACCUPASS App並取得觀賽票券證明
▒ 驗票處開放時間
├ 第一天.公開預選|11:00 - 17:00
├ 第二天.主要賽事|11:30 - 17:00
└ 建議至少於活動開始半小時前完成換取入場手環


█ 報名相關 █
├ 開放所有國籍選手報名
├ 網路報名至9/10(二)00:00截止
└ 第一天預選晉級後,須在第二天繼續主賽事,請確保能如期參賽
▒ 報名方式
1|至 www.accupass.com/go/2024rcbic
3|下載ACCUPASS App並取得報名票券證明
▒ 4 on 4 Crew Battle|無限制組
└ 每隊2000元.上限48隊.固定四人不可減
▒ Bboy Solo Battle|男子組
└ 每人500元.上限120人
▒ Bgirl Solo Battle|女子組
└ 每人500元.上限50人
▒ Kids Solo Battle|十五歲以下
├ 每人350元.上限100人.2009年後出生
└ 陪同家長仍需索取免費觀賽票,報到時僅提供給選手手環
▒ Open Style 7 To Smoke
└ 每人500元.上限60人.全部舞風皆可報名
▒ 報名專員|小風|LINE ID:tim8017|IG:frank_challenge


█ 選手報到 █
▒ 第一天.公開預選
├ Open Style 7 To Smoke|11:00 - 11:50
├ Kids Solo Battle|11:00 - 12:30
├ 4 on 4 Crew Battle|11:00 - 13:00
├ Bgirl Solo Battle|11:00 - 13:30
├ Bboy Solo Battle|11:00 - 14:00
├ 海選順序不抽籤並由評分系統亂數安排,請於報到時間索取號碼牌
└ 報到時會給活動兩天的入場手環,選手無須再索取觀賽票
▒ 第二天.主要賽事
├ 全部晉級選手|11:30 - 12:30
└ 請於指定時間,至報到處領取後台通行證


█ 賽事規則 █
▒ 4 on 4 Crew Battle
▒ Bboy Solo Battle
▒ Bgirl Solo Battle
▒ Kids Solo Battle
▒ Open Style 7 To Smoke
八位外卡選手進入7 To Smoke比賽機制,二十五分鐘內最快取得七分者,或超過時間最高分者,進入主賽事八強
七位邀請選手與一位外卡選手,共同進入7 To Smoke比賽機制,二十五分鐘內最快取得七分者,或超過時間最高分者,即為冠軍。

█ 賽事獎勵 █
▒ 4 on 4 Crew Battle
|冠軍|新台幣600,000元.Battle New School種子選手資格
▒ Bboy Solo Battle
▒ Bgirl Solo Battle
▒ Kids Solo Battle
|冠軍|新台幣50,000元.Nanterious Break種子選手資格
▒ Open Style 7 To Smoke
✜ 賽事獎金將依照中華民國稅法,為競技競賽所得併入綜合所得總額課稅,於我國境內居住180天以上者按給付金額扣繳10%稅款,非我國境內居住者按給付金額扣繳20%稅款,將由主辦單位預先扣繳稅款

✜ 稅後競賽獎金將統一於活動當天領取,須簽收相關領取文件及繳交身分證或護照,如當天無法領取,仍須簽收文件及日後繳交身分證明照片,將用PayPal匯出並由參賽者承擔手續費。

✜ 四強賽如無晉級至決賽,依照競技運動慣例,輸給冠軍的為季軍,輸給亞軍的為殿軍,不再加比季軍賽,皆能獲得賽事獎金

✜ 「Battle New School」與「Nanterious Break」兩活動的種子選手資格,此為合作賽事獎項,將由法國主辦方全權負責機票、食宿、交通等相關事務,本執行團隊僅提供獎項


├ Day 1.Open Preliminary|500 Limited Tickets
├ Day 2.Main Event|1000 Limited Tickets
├ 4 tickets are limited to each account for each day event
└ Online ticket request till 00:00 (GMT+8) on 14th September 2024
▒ Method for request tickets
1|Go to www.accupass.com/go/2024rcbic
2|Click “Register Now” and follow the instruction to request audience tickets for free
3|Download ACCUPASS App and get the e-ticket (QR code)
4|Arrive the ticket verification counter to exchange the entry bracelet in specified time
Ticketing Guide/Q&A|accupass.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/topics/147628
▒ Opening Time for Ticket Verification Counter
├ Day 1.Open Preliminary|11:00 - 17:00
├ Day 2.Main Event|11:30 - 17:00
└ exchange the entry bracelet in 30 minutes before event start is highly recommended


├ Open to all national competitors
├ Online register till 00:00 (GMT+8) on 10th September 2024
└ Competitors have to continue the main event on second day after the preliminary on first day, please ensure your ability to participate as scheduled.
▒ Registration Method
1|Go to www.accupass.com/go/2024rcbic
2|Click “Register Now” then follow the procedure stated in website for registration and payment
3|Download ACCUPASS App and get the e-ticket (QR code)
4|Show at our reception counter to finish your check-in procedure on event day
Register Guide/Q&A|accupass.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/topics/147628
▒ 4 on 4 Crew Battle
└ TWD 2000 per crew, maximum 48 crews, fixed on 4 persons within variation
▒ Bboy Solo Battle
└ TWD 500 per person, maximum 120 persons
▒ Bgirl Solo Battle
└ TWD 500 per person, maximum 50 persons
▒ Kids Solo Battle|Under 15 Group
├ TWD 350 per person, maximum 100 persons(Born after 2009)
└ Accompanying parents still need to ask for free audience tickets for watching, entry bracelets only provide to competitors when check-in.
▒ Open Style 7 To Smoke
└ TWD 500 per person, maximum 60 persons, all styles can be applied
▒ Contact Person|Choco|[email protected]|IG:bboychoco


▒ Day 1.Open Preliminary
├ Open Style 7 To Smoke|11:00 - 11:50
├ Kids Solo Battle|11:00 - 12:30
├ 4 on 4 Crew Battle|11:00 - 13:00
├ Bgirl Solo Battle|11:00 - 13:30
├ Bboy Solo Battle|11:00 - 14:00
├ The order of the audition will be arranged randomly by the scoring system. Please ask for the number plate at the check-in time.
└ Entry bracelet for 2 days event will be given when you check in, don’t need to ask for audience entry ticket
▒ Day 2.Main Event
├ All finalists|11:30 - 12:30
└ Please get the backstage pass at the check in counter at specified time


▒ 4 on 4 Crew Battle
|Day 1.Audition|
4 moves per crew and no routine allowed, the audition will proportionally be divided into circle A, B, C & D. 2 crews with the highest score are selected from Circle A, B, C & D respectively (i.e. total 8 crews) and enter top 16 with the battle guests. Battle combination is arranged by the executive team according to the audition ranking.
|Day 1.Top 32 & Top 16|
Top 32 each crew have 4 moves, top 16 got 4 moves, no routine is allowed. The games are divided into circle A & B, and single elimination to Top 8 and then enter the main event.
|Day 2.Main Event|
Top 8|5 moves per crew, routine allowed
Top 4|7 moves per crew, routine allowed
Final|9 moves per crew, routine allowed
▒ Bboy Solo Battle
|Day 1.Audition|
40 seconds per person, competitors are listed in order, the audition will proportionally be divided into circle A, B, C & D. 4 crews are selected from Circle A, B, C & D respectively (i.e. total 16 persons) and enter top 32 with the battle guests. Battle combination is arranged by the executive team according to the audition ranking.
|Day 1.Top 32 & Top 16|
1 move per each in Top 32, 2 moves per each in Top 16, single elimination to the Top 8 and enter the main event.
|Day 2.Main Event|
Top 8|2 moves per each
Top 4|3 moves per each
Final|3 moves per each
▒ Bgirl Solo Battle
|Day 1.Audition|
40 seconds per person, competitors are listed in order, the audition will proportionally be divided in circle A & B, 3 persons with the highest score are selected from Circle A & B respectively (i.e. total _ persons) and enter top 8 with the battle guests. Battle combination is arranged by the executive team according to the audition ranking.
|Day 1.Top 8|
2 moves per each, single elimination to the Top 4 and enter the main event.
|Day 2.Main Event|
Top 4|2 moves per each
Final|3 moves per each
▒ Kids Solo Battle
|Day 1.Audition|
40 seconds per person, competitors are listed in order, the audition will proportionally be divided into circle A, B, C & D. 4 crews are selected from Circle A, B, C & D respectively (i.e. total 16 persons) and enter preliminary top 16. Battle combination is arranged by the executive team according to the audition ranking.
|Day 1.Top 16|
1 move per each in Top 16, 2 moves per each in Top 8, single elimination to 4 persons and enter main event top 8 with the battle guests.
|Day 2.Main Event|
Top 8|2 moves per each
Top 4|2 moves per each
Final|3 moves per each
▒ Open Style 7 To Smoke
|Day 1.Audition|
50 seconds per person, competitors are listed in order, the audition will propostionally be divided into circle A & B in ratio. 3 competitors with the highest score of each circle will be selected (i.e. total 6 persons) and enter Top 8 with the battle guests.

|Day 1.Top 8|
8 wildcard battle guests to enter the 7 to smoke, the fastest one to score 7 points in 25 minutes, or the highest score when overtime will be entered Top 8 of the main event.
|Day 2.Main Event|
7 invited competitors and 1 wildcard battle guest will enter the 7 to smoke, the fastest one to score 7 points in 25 minutes, or the highest score when overtime will be the champion.


▒ 4 on 4 Crew Battle
|Champion|TWD 600,000."Battle New School" battle guest qualification
|1st Runner-up|TWD 150,000
|Best-4|TWD 50,000
▒ Bboy Solo Battle
|Champion|TWD 150,000
|1st Runner-up|TWD 50,000
|Best-4|TWD 17,500
▒ Bgirl Solo Battle
|Champion|TWD 150,000
|1st Runner-up|TWD 50,000
|Best-4|TWD 17,500
▒ Kids Solo Battle
|Champion|TWD 50,000."Nanterious Break" battle guest qualification
|1st Runner-up|TWD 30,000
▒ Open Style 7 To Smoke
|Champion|TWD 100,000
✜ According to the tax law of the ROC (Taiwan), the competition bonus (cash prize) will be taxed as the income and it is incorporated into the total income. Those who live in Taiwan for more than 180 days will withhold 10% of the payment amount, and those who do not live in Taiwan will withhold 20% of the payment amount. Tax will be withheld by the event organizer in advance.

✜ The prize after-tax of the competition will be collected on the day of the event. You must sign for the relevant documents and submit your ID card or passport. If you can't collect it on the same day, you still have to sign for the document and submit the photo copy of your ID card or passport afterward, those verification documents are for PayPal transaction and the participants will bear the handling fee.

✜ The qualifications for battle guests in both the "Battle New School" and "Nanterious Break" events are as follows: This is a collaborative competition award. The French organizers will be fully responsible for the arrangements related to airfare, accommodation, transportation, and other relevant matters. Our executing team will only provide the awards.


▒ 指導單位|教育部體育署

▒ 主辦單位|高雄市政府運動發展局

▒ 共同主辦|高雄市政府青年局

▒ 協辦單位|PLUS Fun 表演藝術舞蹈學院

▒ 指定會場|高雄流行音樂中心

▒ 贊助單位|中華電信
     |NEW ERA

▒ 執行單位|藝青會

▒ 執行團隊|Challenge Company


✜ 主辦單位保有修改賽事內容之權力
✜ 以上資訊皆照數字及英文字母排序


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