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CH Alan aka Monkee

Ballerino, Coreografo, Allenatore, Produttore, Designer
da Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
attivo dal 2003

2DRMonkee (Alan) was born in January, 1990 in Neuchâtel, in Switzerland, and he still lives there. He is a b-boy (breakdancer), graphic designer / illustrator and also makes hip-hop instrumentals for fun, under the name of Wordless.

Alan began to dance in 2003 with his first crew called Good Fellas who included several young b-boys of Neuchâtel. Few years later, he had the chance to become a part of Deep Trip crew (Swiss champions on 2002 - 2005) from the same town, with who he had the opportunity to travel a lot to battle around the Europe.
In 2008, his childhood friends and himself, decided to create their own crew - 2DR Squad - with the aim of representing their district of origin (Denis-de-Rougemont). In 2010, they won the title of Swiss champions, together with Deep Trip.

Visual arts:
Very young, Alan already had a creative spirit. That's the reason why he chooses the way of visual arts by frequenting various schools as:
L'Académie Maximilien de Meuron (NE) from 2005 till 2006 for the plastic arts, and le CIFOM Ecole d'Arts Appliqués (NE) from 2006 till 2008 in Multimedia Graphics.

Having acquired the fundamental bases of visual arts, it is in 2008 that he decided to leave the school system to artistically find his own personality. So, he began studying at home, in a self-taught way, varied disciplines such as the digital illustration; compositing; traditional and computer-aided animation; the video editing or still the 3D modelling.
He also worked for several months as assisting graphic designer for le Centre d'Art de Neuchâtel and used to be Web designer for an online shop during some time which he learnt the teamwork and improved his skills.

Actually, he keeps on dancing, studying visual arts and performing his own way while waiting to see what's gonna happen then...

- For more detailed informations, feel free to contact me via the "contact" section -


2012 - Top 16 | Top16 2vs2 Outbreak Europe 2012 – 2vs2 Breaking

Monkee was at

+ 27.07.2012 SK Outbreak Europe 2012