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FR Pierre Bleriot aka Punisher

P3XB Dancer, Musician
41 Years
active since 1995

Highlights & Achievements

2009 - Top 16 | Top16 1vs1 Red Bull BC One World Final 2009


of Flying Steps

Attention: this is a past event.
Friday, April 21st - Sunday, 23rd 2023, France
FR Who Got The Flower ?! Festival 2023 - International/French Hip Hop Festival in Pontcharra (France)
The International French Hip Hop Festival 'Who Got The Flower?!' is an amazing experience in the Rhône-Alpes Region of France. With various programs an...

Attention: this is a past event.
Saturday, April 23rd 2016, France
FR Break the big Battle 2016 - International Breaking Crew Battle in Sallanches (France)