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BE Style Invaders

Crew, Tanzgruppe
gegründet: 2013

1 Members

BE Morris Vandaele aka Chat Noir

Nächste Veranstaltungen mit Style Invaders

+ 20.09.2024 | CH Groove Session 2024
+ 27.09.2024 | BE Unbreakable 2024

Style Invaders war bei

+ 21.10.2022 | CH Groove Session 2022 - 5th Edition

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 30. September - Sonntag, 1. Oktober 2023, Switzerland
CH Colour Jam Vol. 5 - International Breaking Battle & Jam in Fribourg (Switzerland)
Welcome back to the next edition of "Colour Jam Vol. 5" from 30th September till 1st October 2023 at Fri-Son Fribourg (Switzerland). Again the team of '...